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The Fördegymnasium has been taking part in an international program called ‘Erasmus+’ since 2003. The aim of this program, which is supported financially by the European Union, is to improve the cooperation and intercultural understanding between six partner schools from England, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain and Germany. To achieve these goals there are several meetings per year, where some students of each school work together.

Therefore, we met in Catania, Italy, this time. The task for this meeting was to come up with an innovative business idea to improve daily school life. As the delegation of Flensburg we had the idea to sell art made by students on a website. In Catania, every delegation presented its idea and we came to the conclusion that the best way to combine them is to create a website. The website should give students all over the world to connect and give them the possibility to communicate with each other on an intercultural level.

For the purpose of finding a concept and collecting options how this website could look like we split up in international groups. Each group presented their results and we chose the name ‘we’. Every delegation went home with a particular task which they need to work on for the next project meeting in London in November 2015. Our task is to make a promotional video which presents the website so that we spread the idea of ‘we’.

In retrospect to our stay in Catania everybody in our group enjoyed working with people from various countries, the kind Italian hospitability and of course the delicious Italian food. In particular, our trip to Mount Etna, the volcano on Sicily, was an unforgettable highlight of this trip.

written by Sara Jessen, Sara Aretz and Tom Pries

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