Ein Gefühl für Europa – Erasmus+
Interview with Pol Termens
“Growth as a teacher and most of myself”
Flensburg, den 06.11.2019 – ein Projekt, hunderte Länder und ein gemeinsames Ziel. Wir, die Schülerinnen und Schüler der 12ku, hatten die Möglichkeit, ein sehr interessantes Interview mit einem erfahrenen Erasmus-Koordinator aus Spanien zu führen.
Why do you support the Erasmus project?
“Students can take a native part in a creative way to make the European Union stronger. The project was inspired by Erasmus Roterdamus. He was a humanist and Philosopher.”
Why do you like the Erasmus-Project?
“After having studied the history of Europe throughout ages, the European Union, in my opinion, is the best way to move forward into the future. I can not see any other thing that is not European Union. I don´t see any other way to have peace in Europe other than the European Union, which of course should work better… recently it has been working well but I think, it can become better by having a bit more justice, more inclusivity and that is precisely the name of our project. So to make every single citizen-EU citizen-feel included. Its important to welcome people all over the world and to help them make their future here.”
How long did you participate in the project so far?
I started to take part in international activities 35 years ago. In the European project I have been involved for 18 years. First in Convenues and now Erasmus plus. That is one of my main motivations as a teacher, as an educator.
What did you teach?
I teach religious studies, philosophy and also Englisch.
So are you doing volunteer work by helping with the Erasmus project?
Yes, so what I do is to coordinate this in my school and that we of course contribute to the partnership. So the partnership is with you, here in Flensburg and we have been working together for 18 years now. My first time being here was 2002. And then we have another school from London, who we have also been in contact with for many years – 18 years too – and then we have another two schools, one in Italy and one in north-west Romania. These two are new members. They started this year and we are very happy to work together especially with teachers like Frau Hanf. The first time I met her was 18 years ago … a wonderful, wonderful lady!
What do you like most about Erasmus?
I am really grateful for all the students that have welcomed me so warmly. When you came to our school we tried to do the same.
He concluded the interview with the words:
I feel as a citizien of the world, with the european vocation and of spanish origin, castilien roots and growing up in Cataluna – but mostly I feel as a citizen of the world.
Interview mit Blanca aus Spanien
Impressions of Members of the Erasmus Project
Every year, members of all partner schools meet at one of these schools and spend time together. This year, from the third to the late November, the Foerdegymnasium Flensburg was the meeting place of the Erasmus Group. The participating young people come from different nations, such as Spain, England and France. This year, two more schools from Romania were added to the project. During their visit here at our school, we interviewed some of these members and interviewed them about the Erasmus Project.
The term “Erasmus” derives from the humanist Desiderius Erasmus von Rotterdamm. He lived from 1466 to 1536.
One member of the ERASMUS project is Aurora Middleton. She is 16 years old, from London, England, and became a part of the project when she visited an assembly about this project in her school. She said that you have to be willing to step outside of your comfort zone and to work together with others to complete the goals of the project. She thinks it was a good idea to became a member because ERASMUS allowes her to collect some special experiences and it enables her to meet new people. She decided to sign up for the project because she loves to learn about different countries with their cultures and ERASMUS offers that to her.
We also talked to one of the escorts about their impressions and experiences with the project.
His name is Pedro Rivero, he comes from Spain and teaches religion, philosophy and English there. He has been a member of the Erasmus Project for 18 years, but has previously participated in other international activities. Asked what possibilities Erasmus offered to the pupils, he replied that they could get to know Europe in a very special way. In addition, they would be able to get to know different cultures and make new friends. He himself feels like a “citizen of the world” born in Spain with friends from all over the world, such as Africa, America and Germany. The EU would offer good future prospects and job opportunities, he says proudly. He feels very welcome in Germany and sees Erasmus as a personal further development for himself.
(Alina und Lara)