Mit Erasmus in Valladolid
My Erasmus+ Journey to Valladolid
I took part in the Erasmus+ exchange program YESU2 that didn’t cost me anything. I went to Valladolid, Spain. I have never been to Spain before so mostly everything was new to me. In the following, I will tell you about this amazing opportunity that Erasmus+ gave to me
A Warm Welcome
We arrived in Valladolid on Sunday, where we were picked up by our host families at the bus stop. I was kinda nervous but excited because I was staying with a family I didn’t know, but they were really nice and friendly. In the evening we had time to get to know each other. We played some games on a game console, which in the end made me feel welcome and happy.
First Day at School and Team Activities
It was our first day at IES Vega del Prado on Monday. The school principal and the Erasmus+ coordinator welcomed us and then we had presentations about our schools and our topic “Stand up for a cause bigger than yourself.” It was really interesting to see how different, but also how similar we all are.
We did team building activities and a treasure hunt in the city later on. The team building activities made us connect with the other students. We made a lot of friends during the activity, and many funny things happened. It was a great way to explore Valladolid and work together with students from other countries. I really liked the Plaza Mayor, one of the most beautiful squares in the city.
Exploring Spain
We visited Segovia on Tuesday. The guided tour showed us the famous cathedral and the Alcázar, a castle that looks like something out of a fantasy. We went to the beautiful gardens of La Granja de San Ildefonso in the afternoon. It was a great day with new knowledge about something I never knew of.
On Wednesday, we went on a trip to Salamanca. The city is known for its university and old buildings. We had a tour of the city and visited the huge cathedral. There was a frog hidden in the pattern of the cathedral, and there is a story that says if you find it by yourself, you will have academic luck. I found it by myself. Later, we attended academic presentations by students from different countries. It was very interesting to see different ideas.
Last Day and Goodbye
Thursday began with more presentations at school and then a visit to the Institute for Sustainable Processes, where we learned about new technologies and green solutions. In the afternoon, we had free time with our host families. I was at a “bar “where they had kickers. I played against the friends of my host which was a lot of fun. This day was also a little sad because we knew we would be leaving soon. It was time to say goodbye on Friday. The goodbye was hard but we all promised each other to stay in touch. The Erasmus+ exchange in Valladolid was an amazing opportunity, and I am grateful for everything.